Sean Woodhead
Program Manager


Latest feedback

Recent experiences

York University - School of Continuing Studies
York University - School of Continuing Studies

Big Data Capstone Project (July 2019)


Jul 2, 2019 - Aug 28, 2019

In the final course of the Advanced Data Science and Predictive Analytics Certificate, students spend 8 weeks creating an analytics solution/model for your organization. This capstone project includes analysis of a real-life scenario, including business problem framing, translating to an analytical problem statement, data collection, preparation, integrating, modelling and analyzing and will result in a final report/ presentation that outlines recommendations and a solution deployment plan.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 3
York University - School of Continuing Studies
York University - School of Continuing Studies

Machine Learning Capstone Project


Mar 18, 2019 - May 15, 2019

Do you have a business problem that you'd like to solve with data? Do you want to make smart predictions about your customers? In this project, students in the Machine Learning Capstone course will address a problem of your choosing by applying analytics models, methodologies, and tools learned in their program. Teams will work on an end-to-end machine learning solution, from problem formulation to deployment. By the end of the course, a data product will be delivered to your organization.

Matches 5
Category Information technology + 3
York University - School of Continuing Studies
York University - School of Continuing Studies

Machine Learning Capstone Project


Mar 18, 2021 - May 7, 2021

Do you have a business problem that you'd like to solve with data? Do you want to make smart predictions about your customers? In this project, students in the Machine Learning Capstone course will address a problem of your choosing by applying analytics models, methodologies, and tools learned in their program. Teams will work on an end-to-end machine learning solution, from problem formulation to deployment. By the end of the course, a data product will be delivered to your organization.

Matches 4
Category Information technology + 1
York University - School of Continuing Studies
York University - School of Continuing Studies

People Analytics Capstone


Jan 31, 2023 - Mar 25, 2023

The Certificate in People Analytics is the first program of its kind in Canada where, in an accessible and structured environment, students will work to become more comfortable visualizing data and using insights to tell a story. In the final capstone project of the program, students will spend eight (8) weeks to find and apply data-driven insights to address an HR-related problem your organization may be facing.

Matches 0
Category Data analysis + 1