Ramses Trejo
Evandro Miquelito
August 26, 2023
Experience feedback
Great experience all around. We managed to complete our project successfully and on time. The collaboration with Ramses and the students was excelent.

Full-stack Web Application Development
York University

Use ChatGPT to automatically create a docker-compose or Dockerfile file based on a few prompts
Squash Labs Inc.

Shree Nanguneri
Founder and CEO
August 25, 2023
Experience feedback
Educator (Prof. Trejo) took the responsibility as a liaison leader causing higher commitment from learners in the overall Project journey.
Educator also devoted time to coordinate and communicate to ensure Project aspects were clarified for learners to maximize probability of success.

Full-stack Web Application Development
York University

AI Based Counseling For Career Transitioning Success
Millennium Global Business Solutions Inc.

Rahi Tajzadeh
He / Him
September 3, 2021
Experience feedback
A pleasure to work with these incredible students. The professor made things easy, the students excelled at their work, and their contribution has made a meaningful impact on our business. Highly recommended.

Full-stack Web Application Development
York University - School of Continuing Studies

Mobile App: UI/UX Development
The Big Leaf