Maya Rad-Spice
Language Specialist
Yasheika King
April 9, 2022
Project feedback
I enjoyed working with UCN on this project. I have learned a lot about the history and language of the Indigenous peoples and enjoyed writing about them. Indigenous peoples have a rich historical background and reminds me of my own culture and the injustice done to them.

LEVEL UP: Multidisciplinary Projects
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.5)

Transcribing interviews and organizing qualitative data
University College of the North
vesna zaric
April 1, 2022
Project feedback
Wonderful, challenging and insightful work. A mix of biology, anthropology and linguistics in service of environmental science.

LEVEL UP: Multidisciplinary Projects
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.5)

Transcribing interviews and organizing qualitative data
University College of the North