Jiminy Cao
Information technology


Game design 6 C# (programming language) 4 Research 4 Unity engine 4 Secondary research 2 Artificial intelligence 1 Communication 1 Creativity 1 Debugging 1 Game engine 1 Google meet 1 Mathematics 1 Network programming 1 Rapid prototyping 1 Slack (software) 1 Ui components 1 Usability testing 1 Zoom (video conferencing tool) 1


Latest feedback

Recent projects

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Virtual Internship Opportunity: Game Design Document

Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for 1 to 3 students. The primary focus for the student will be: Utilizing primary and secondary research to create the Game Design Document for creating an online educational Math game. Our goal at the end of this experience is: To have the students complete the Game Design Document which will provide specific details on Game Play, Avatar descriptions, backstories, platform suggestions and other information that will be required for a robust document. Other duties the student may complete could include: Students will have the opportunity to make suggestions and use their knowledge of game design to ensure that the document is feasible and that a prototype of the game can be created using the Game Design Document. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: Students will meet on Google Meet, Zoom, Slack and email. Student's primary contact : Chris Ujimoto, CEO Secondary contact:

Matches 1
Category Media + 2
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Complete Combat Prototype

We are looking for 5 teams (15 students in total) A rapid prototyping runthrough of the combat system in the game. Researching techniques used in fighting games to get a better idea of where the prototype can improve. Updating the current prototype based on research and feedback. To accomplish this, we expect the student(s) will: complete more research on the combat system conduct interviews as part of your primary research examine combat games that are currently on the market do a rapid prototype of the combat system. Students will need a basic understanding of how Unity works as well as knowledge of C# programming language.

Matches 1
Category Media + 3
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Menu and Game Play Programming

We are looking for 5 teams (15 students) Further the development of the core prototypes gameplay as well as add setting and menu functionality. The initial prototypes will have been completed by this time and students working on the project will make the necessary changes to improve the concepts and prototypes. Creativity and staying true to the game's overall structure is critical. Students will need to know the functionality of the Unity UI components and how they interact with each other. To accomplish this, we expect the student(s) will: work closely with the game design team and review the work already done with the core prototypes determine any changes that need to be made with regards to the gameplay offer ideas on how to improve the concept and features of the game

Matches 1
Category Media + 3
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Difficulty and AI Programming/Game Design

We are looking for 5 teams (15 students) Research how skill level is determined in other games. Design the difficulty system using an elo system to track players' skill. Develop the AI to more accurately challenge the player. Iterate on the difficulty system based on testing. Students will need knowledge of other elo systems and of how the AI should interact with the player. Knowledge of C# programming and Unity is also required. To accomplish this, we expect the student(s) will: conduct secondary research with regards to other games work closely with our game design team in order to understand the game mechanics determine the best way to integrate AI into the game

Matches 1
Category Media + 3