(VFC Project) Careerin Tech Online Career Fair - Marketing + Event Planning
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Careerin Tech Society is a non-profit that helps people develop their careers in the tech sector. Careerin is organizing online career fairs to connect tech talents open for new jobs and tech companies that are hiring and we also invite tech professionals to share career insights or best practices in different topics. Careerin is using videos and online events to help candidates learn more about tech companies, their mission, culture, and people in the teams so they can find the companies that they are aligned with. During the online career fair, companies will have founders or hiring managers that talk about what their companies are about in videos and they will have online meeting sessions with candidates that are interested in joining them. Candidates can create a self-intro video on our platform that can be accessed by the companies that they are interested in, so they can tell their stories in person in the video instead of being another resume in the pile. The career insights sessions can help students or people that are new to the tech industry to learn about the different career paths, while the best practices sessions are good for professional development and experience sharing with their peers in the tech industry. Venture for Canada Intrapreneurs will help us in organizing and running our monthly Careerin Tech online event. HOW MANY STUDENT INTRAPRENEURS WILL THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE? 5 TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT: 70 hours KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES Event planning and management Marketing and promotion Outreach to potential tech companies and professionals IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES:* Roles include: Event sessions host - Identify and recruit speakers to share career insights or other topics in their roles (HR/Marketing/Sales/Software Engineering etc), host these online sessions by introducing their speakers if it's a webinar or interviewer if it's a fireside chat interview Job fair organizer - Reach out to tech companies that are hiring Marketing + PR - Event promotion in our social media channels, other tech communities, and tech medias Sponsorship - Reach out to potential sponsors to secure sponsorship for our events (professional firms, tech companies, etc) FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES: Organizing and running our monthly Careerin Tech online event PROJECT MENTOR NAME: Kenneth Ip - CEO of Careerin Tech Society

ezSec - Marketing
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: We’re looking for a student to help us source, curate, develop, and post the content implementing strategies to increase awareness and nurture engagement. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITES: Based on our goals, we are looking for the student to work on the following: Content Calendar Curation: timely deployment of all our social media content to drive maximum traffic to our site Social Media Management: overseeing different channels that we own and keeping them up-to-date Content Development SEO Other marketing-related tasks IDEAL ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Content Strategist Social Media Manager SEO Strategist Marketing Coordinator

Painworth - Market Research + Marketing
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: We want to fully map the injury settlement process in each common law Province and Territory in Canada and understand the steps that need to be taken to accomplish various related tasks in each jurisdiction. For example, how to file a court case in each jurisdiction, with each level of court; or how to give legal service of a court case. We have this well mapped out for some jurisdictions but do not yet have all the intricacies of each jurisdiction, and we are also potentially interested in beginning the mapping process for the US. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITES: This project may require multiple individuals to complete: Primary Research: someone to analyze and organize the data collected for use by our clients and development team Graphic Design : to create beautiful infographics or other assets to convey complex information in simple visual form Marketing: to help convey the information in digestible bite-sized nuggets that can also be shared as part of our marketing efforts (blog, email, social media, ads, or other PR). We have a highly skilled and diverse team of experts that will support and mentor each individual within this project. IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES: Attention to detail Ability to work remotely and without daily supervision Curiosity Strong presentation skills. FINAL DELIVERABLES: Deliverables include a visual representation of the specific process in each jurisdiction, well-documented step-by-step instructions for each court or jurisdiction about how to accomplish each task that can be provided to our clients, a complete list of all tasks for each jurisdiction that must be accomplished at each stage of the personal injury settlement process (from reporting the claim to the insurer, to estimating their settlement, providing evidence, making a formal demand, negotiating, and escalating to litigation or alternative dispute resolution).

Digital Marketing Agency Opportunity (VFC)
Tiny Planet Digital (TPD) is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for 4 BIPOC students part of the Level Up Program . The primary focus for the student will be: Content management - Centralize content calendar for efficiency and tracking (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, Blog, Website) Social media growth - Finding innovative ways to grow TPD’s social media presence - increase following, engagement rates, and reaching new audiences within our niches (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok) Content diversification - Finding creative ways to produce content while following TPD’s centralized content strategy for all outgoing messaging. For example, TikTok videos, IG reels, IG live, podcasts and more. Our goal at the end of this experience is: Branding and Marketing Communications - For the students to help us improve our agency's presence and capture greater market share. SEO Strategy & Recommendations - For the students to help us generate more traffic and revenue through search engines. Strategic Social Media Marketing - For the students to help us improve our online presence, reach more customers, and effectively promote our brand through compelling content. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern(s) using these communication tools: Slack & Email Primary contacts : Lauren Castelino, Impact & Digital Marketing Strategist and Jonathan Holloway, Account Executive - Hotels and Tourism

Health Promotion Campaign Plan - COVID-19 Vaccination in the Black Community
Our organization has a client that wants to further their efforts to increase awareness about vaccination in the Black community in Toronto through a social media campaign. We would like to work with students to develop a campaign that successfully raises awareness and changes behaviour around this health topic in the Black community. In collaboration with key contacts at our organization, students will design and carry out a social media campaign strategy around this health topic. Identify groups which this campaign will target. Identify ideal outcomes and KPIs. Include the latest and most accurate data and information. Design social media infographics, create videos, and viral campaigns. Assist in graphics/branding for the campaign

Fundraising Merchandise Design
Ancestral Hands Midwives is looking to diversify our revenue by creating our own line of Afrocentric merchandise. We believe this project will require: Develop merchandise designs (Ex. t-shirt design) Research and compose a list of consultants that can help deliver this project Find vendors that can manufacture the agreed upon items Obtain full quotes included fees and timelines and provide recommendations on which vendor to use Assist with research and initial steps of setting up an e-commerce site The final deliverables include: A report on the research, findings, and general design recommendations for the prototype(s) you developed. Provide a recommended manufacturer for the merchandise item you were assigned. Provide a recommended e-commerce platform based on your research. We are excited to work with students who support our mission and want to have fun creating unique merchandise. Whether you're a fashion student, artist or you're just interested in what we do, we want to work with you.

Non-Profit Grant Writing
Parents of Black Children (PoBC) is looking for an individual or class to write grants for our non profit advocacy organization to fund our systems navigation, advocacy support and tutoring initiatives for students who identify as Black K-12 across Canada. This project will include: Scheduling and attending meetings with grantors to review/ discuss grant requirements (as needed) Drafting grant applications based on grant criteria Writing and Submitting grant applications Collaborating with the PoBC Team We believe this project will also include: Develop a needs statement that characterizes the community problem and justifies the need for our project and funding. Identify potential sponsors and funding opportunities that are a good fit for our organization and project. Interpret a request for proposal (RFP). Improve the clarity and persuasiveness of our company's grant proposal writing.

Website Graphic Designer
The objective of this project is to support the development of a new branding guide for the Racialized Students In Healthcare website and social media posts . Our aim is to effectively communicate the work our organization does and increase engagement on social media; Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn as well as increase traffic to our website. We would like to collaborate with students interested in graphic design, branding and website development. The finalized version of this guide will be used to support the content that we post on social media particularly when we launch our health comic book next year. Supporting the development of this branding guide includes: Conducting background research on branding and communication strategies other health organizations and business use Create social media content samples and wording for the branding toolkit Provide recommendations for changes to the Racialized Students In Healthcare website.

Health Data Research Analyst
We are looking for students to support data analysis and presentations on health surveillance of chronic and infectious illnesses currently monitored by Health Canada and Public Health Ontario. Students will be asked to create statistical reports on health surveillance findings from Health Canada based on priority health illnesses and provide recommendations on health initiatives the organization should purse. These statistical findings will be used to advice our health research projects. Supporting the development of this project will involve: Conduct background research on health surveillance on health illnesses currently monitored by the Government of Canada. Analyzing data and providing recommendations on monitored health conditions to incorporate as furure health projects that promote awareness & health literacy. Presenting health reports to the team.