BetterLTC - Older Adult Services Environmental Scan

Project scope
Healthcare Communications Public relations Community engagement Public healthSkills
dementia long-term careProject: Our work is situated in older adults, long-term care, education, and practice. We are currently involved in establishing the Nav-CARE program in Saskatchewan that requires an environmental scan of older adult services in Saskatoon, Warman, and the Qu'Appelle Valley. The focus is on supporting older adults (target population persons living with dementia or complex health conditions in community) and their carers to continue to grow older in their choice of place.
- Complete an environmental scan in Saskatoon, Warman, and the Qu'Appelle Valley including all services (for-profit, not-for-profit) including type of services provided, location, target population, cost, accessibility, registration, etc.
- Map services for Saskatoon on the city map provided
- Provide a report - including a description of the environmental scan process followed, and details of services identified
- Co-create page on BetterLTC for service navigation by Nav-CARE volunteers, older adults, carers, healthcare staff, and service providers
- Present (online or in person) findings to older adult organizations as requested
Our team includes experienced researchers, trainees, clinicians, carers, older adults, and interested community members. Weekly support is available with mentorship. Using a patient-oriented research approach, our team focuses on inclusivity, learning through lived experiences, and building team capacity. We welcome diverse students.
Supported causes
The global challenges this project addresses, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Learn more about all 17 SDGs here.
About the company
BetterLTC (led by Dr. Roslyn M. Compton) was established in 2013, becoming a not-for-profit organization in 2025. The team is interprofessional, national and international, and intergenerational (age range 18-85 years; 15 older adults between 65-85 years of age). Through our collaborations and partnerships with for-profit and not-for-profit community organizations, BetterLTC acts through knowledge mobilization, education, advocacy, and policy to challenge ageist healthcare services to support older adults to grow older in their choice of place with the support and services needed. Current partners include Sherbrooke Community Centre, Saskatoon; Golden Health Care Management Inc., Saskatoon; 3 rural and 3 urban long-term care homes in Saskatchewan; Saskatoon Fire Services; College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta; College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan; St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon; University of Regina, Regina; Memory Café, Crossmount Saskatoon; Saskatoon Council on Aging; Saskatchewan Long-term Care Network; Interprofessional Education, USask Health Science; the Saskatchewan Health Authority; Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association; Nav-CARE, British Columbia; and, the Canadian Red Cross.