Editing, Publishing, & Writing Interactive Storytelling Content

Project scope
Videography Project management Creative writing Media Hospitality, tourism & culinary artsSkills
interactive storytelling filmmaking interactive stories writing editingStory City, like Pokemon Go or Geocaching, but with stories, is the world’s first marketplace and GPS App for location-based stories, with each real-life choose your adventure, puzzle trail, or historical tale through city streets only accessible if you’re standing in the right location. Each story is created by local writers, artists, filmmakers, performers or tour guides who know their cities best.
We are looking for 2-3 remote interns to work with us long term (for several projects) as part of the LevelUp program. You will be taking interactive stories and choose your adventures from the Story City platform and adapting them so that they can be played in any city in the world.
You will be assigned 2 stories for adaption to ten cities - this will require skills in writing, production and editing, as well as a familiarity with maps and a strong ability for research.
The primary focus for the student will be:
- Content Adaption - creation of sample adaptions and editing/rewriting of the written/visual/audio content such that it can be playable in any city using stories by popular creators on the platform;
- Production & Publication - integration of updated text, audio, and video into the updated story, identification of the best position for the story in new cities, uploading of that story into that city on the platform, and finalising publication.
- Writing - there is also the opportunity to write your own interactive content to be published in universities across North America
- Weekly editorial sessions with our CEO and producer Emily
- High Quality feedback on your creations from an industry editing and publishing veteran
We communicate with our remote intern using these communication tools: Discord, Slack, email.
About the company
Story City, like Pokemon Go or Geocaching, but with stories, is the world’s first marketplace and GPS App for location-based stories, with each real-life choose your adventure, puzzle trail, or historical tale through city streets only accessible if you’re standing in the right location. Each story is created by local writers, artists, filmmakers, performers or tour guides who know their cities best. At Story City, we are of the firm belief that it is local stories and storytellers that are the change makers in our society. We want to redefine stories so they're something you're a part of, rather than something you're told, and to make cities places you interact with and explore, rather than just walk through. As a storyteller, whether you’re a writer, performer, musician or film-maker, you shouldn’t have to move away from the cities that you love, just to have a career.