MentorEase Market Research: Mexico

Project scope
Market research Product or service launch Sales strategy Marketing strategySkills
research mentorship market researchMentorEase is a mentoring software that helps manage mentoring programs (
In this project we will research the potential for mentoring software in South America in 3 areas:
* Corporate HR - senior employees mentoring junior employees
* Universities - alumni mentoring graduating students and students mentoring new students
* Industry Associations - senior professionals mentoring people new to the industry
Also looking for potential resellers of MentorEase in those markets (who can sell it along their current products - complementary businesses).
About the company
MentorEase is an affordable Mentoring Software solution that helps manage mentoring programs. It help Mentoring Program Managers by:
1. Automating the mentor-mentee matching process
2. Providing a structured process for the mentoring activities
3. Management tools and reports
We work with mentoring programs at various industry sectors:
* Higher Education -
* Industry Associations -
* Corporate HR, Training & Education Initiatives -
* Sales Mentoring -
* Startup Accelerators -
* Healthcare Peer Mentoring -
The goal of this project is to help define the best structured process for getting both mentor and mentee value from their mentoring program experience.