- Description
Arizona State University is ranked as one of the top 100 research universities in the world. Since 2002, the university's mission has been to create a new model for higher education in the United States, one that meets the challenges of the 21st century. This New American University is measured by who it includes, not who it excludes; pursues research and discovery that benefits the public good; and assumes major responsibility for the economic, social, and cultural vitality and health and well-being of the communities it serves.
ASU serves more than 70,000 students across 5 campuses in the Phoenix Metropolitan area.
Recent experiences
Skill Development in Marketing, Product Feedback and Content Creation
ASU Local is a national student success program through Arizona State University, America’s #1 University for Innovation, where students earn bachelor’s degrees while staying rooted in their community. Each term, students complete experiential learning projects in Upskilling courses where they have the opportunity to explore career paths, build portfolios, and collaborate with professionals in the community. Students at the Los Angeles, CA and Yuma, AZ sites will be embarking on a remote, micro-internship project in collaboration with an employer partner. Each site will have about 25 students with varying majors, skill sets, and industry expertise. Students will each complete 8 hours of work from January 13th to February 24th 2025. Students come from a diverse range of professional backgrounds and majors, which offers your business the possibility of tackling a challenge from multiple different angles, and gaining competitive insights. Majors include: Mass Communication and Media Studies Business (Sports Business) Business (Global Logistics Management) Business (Business Administration) Organizational Leadership (Project Management) Project Management Biological Sciences Software Engineering Information Technology Graphic Information Technology (Full-Stack Web Development) Political Science Community Advocacy and Social Policy Psychology Criminology and Criminal Justice Sociology International Relations Film (Film and Media Studies) Educational Studies (Early Childhood Studies) Health Sciences (Healthy Lifestyles and Fitness Science) Pharmacology & Toxicology
Computer Science & Computer Engineering Capstone Spring 2025
Is there a "nice-to-have" project that you never seem to have the bandwidth for? The ASU Computer Science and Computer Systems programs are accepting proposals for Capstone Projects!Small Teams of graduating senior CS and CSE students will work with you to complete your project over the next 2 semesters.This can help you grow your business, recruit talented workers, train future managers in a low risk environment, and it helps our students develop the professional and development skills they need to start their careers! Find more information at: http://links.asu.edu/CSE_Capstone Since this is a Unpaid Internship, there is a charge if the project is selected . This money is used to support the costs for the student Showcase where students are able to display what they have been doing for the last 2 semesters. We have set this up through a foundation so you can use it as a tax write off ( gets reported as a donation ). Examples from the Spring 2024: https://showcase.asucapstone.com/
Family and Human Development and Sociology Internship
The Sanford School Internship Program is offered to upper-division undergraduate students in Family and Human Development and Sociology. We believe that professional preparation can be enhanced through both rigorous coursework and opportunities to apply this knowledge in the field. With the provision of appropriate learning opportunities and mentorship throughout the internship, we believe that this experience will be mutually beneficial—that students will acquire needed professional skills while contributing to the important work being done by our company partners. Students get to choose their placements, and it is possible that a request for a project is approved by the educator, but no student chooses to work on that project. This is a for-credit experience, and all work will occur virtually. Students choose their own projects based on their own interests. Projects can be completed individually or in groups of up to 3 students.
FallBBasic Research for Introductory Chemistry
Students work on an extra project which focuses on a literature search, summary and short video presentation of an infographic on these findings.