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Critical thinking
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  • Team feedback

    Individual endorsement
    Detailed Determined Great attitude Nextjs Typescript Tailwindcss Mailchimp Next auth Nodejs Redux

    Bea is a great coder with the ability to keep going when others have given up. She is super at difficult detailed tasks and has a great attitude no matter the problem. She is willing to go to others when she can't solve an issue and when she can is more than willing to put the time and effort needed to accomplish the goal. I am more than willing to write her a great reference and know she will be an asset to any company or project she pursues.

    Bea was a quiet hard working coder who never let any problem overcome her and would ask for assistance or work through anything that was sent her way to deal with. She is great at completing the task with the greatest of detail and is always happy when others praise her work. Many others in the team saw her hard work and attention to detail and it benefited the team multiple times as she would gladly work on something until she found the way to fix or create what the team needed. She was given a task of the email list and connected with the CEO to ensure that her work was exactly what was desired and completed the task with flying colours. I would have no issue with writing her a great reference and suggesting her to work in any team.
    Python (programming language) Application programming interface (api) Sql (programming language) Front end design Needs assessment Front end (software engineering) Web development Artificial intelligence
    CR Holmes
    ICT Ignite Plus - Web Development
    YourBeat Inc. - Website Development - Basic Front End Section 1
    Python (programming language) Application programming interface (api) Sql (programming language) Front end design Needs assessment Front end (software engineering) Web development Artificial intelligence
    Created At
    January 30, 2024