Performance Management Consultancy

MGT 4620
MSU Denver
Denver, Colorado, United States
Apryl Brodersen
Assistant Professor
  • February 28, 2019
    Experience start
  • May 10, 2019
    Experience end
1 projects wanted
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Any company type
Any industries

Experience scope

Leadership Organizational structure
performance management human resource managment human resource strategy employee rewards employee motivation
Learner goals and capabilities

Undergraduate student-consultants will help your organization develop and/or update aspects of your performance management strategy and optimize employee performance and motivation.


Any level
30 learners
45 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 5
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Final deliverables include:

  • A written report detailing the problem, recommended solutions, and action plan.
  • A presentation briefly discussing the report and Q&A.
Project timeline
  • February 28, 2019
    Experience start
  • May 10, 2019
    Experience end

Project Examples


Beginning in March 2019, groups of 4-6 students will spend approximately 250 combined hours helping your organization develop/update aspects of your performance management strategy or systems.

You will provide information about your organization and the specific challenges/goals you have for your performance management strategy. Student groups, with support from their instructor, will use this information to provide tailored recommendations and an actionable strategy to optimize employee motivation and performance.

Sample projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Performing a detailed audit of your current performance management approach and providing recommendations to strengthen your system.
  • Helping your organization link business goals to individual performance expectations.
  • Developing tools for your performance management process (e.g., developmental plans, performance evaluations, coaching, etc.).
  • Providing tailored recommendations to motivate and reward employee performance.

Due to the "hands on" and personalized nature of this project, preference will be given to local organizations.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox