Level UP: Zebrafish Enrichment

Aleah McCorry
Animal Care Coordinator
Academic experience
20 hours of work total
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Beginner level

Project scope

No categories selected
teaching research

Positions available: 1. We have recently started up a new facility to house zebrafish on campus for teaching and research! The tanks sit on plain black runners, the main goal of the project is to apply gravel printed backing to each of the runners so the fish can enjoy a sense of a gravel substrate.


The student will need to remove each tank, remove each runner, apply the printed gravel to the runner, reinstall the runner, and place the tank back on. The student will need to cut the printed gravel back to size and use hot glue or other adhesive to affix it to the runner. Tools may be required to remove the runners from the shelving.


The student will be working in our new zebrafish facility, where I work for a lot of the day. I will be continuously available, either in person or easily reached over email/text. The student will have access to all the tools and supplies needed for the task.

About the company

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
0 - 1 employees

Solving problems, unearthing new knowledge, expressing ourselves creatively. At MacEwan University, our faculty’s research and creative activity seek to answer local and global questions, enrich the social and cultural fabric of our city and provide students with hands-on experiences.

The Office of Research Services (ORS) supports scholarly activity at all stages of a project—planning, development, implementation and follow-through. As well as providing information on funding opportunities, we host workshops, ensure ethical standards are met, provide print and digital resources for managing projects and answer your questions about scholarship at MacEwan. We support the work of the General Faculty Council's Standing Committee on Scholarly Activity.