Feedback details
Custom Questions
Q1 - Checkbox
Q2 - Checkbox
Q3 - Checkbox
Team feedback
Did an amazing job by completing the following:
- Cleared a backlog of over 950 emails from Hubspot Backoffice by making graphical and textual changes along with adding hyperlinks to missing socials.
- Found missing information for over 17,000 clients provided by Alannah from the Billing department.
- Rewrote the sales script assigned by Margarete.
- Conducted extensive research to find the best address verification and follow-up text messaging software for the IT department, as assigned by Elias and Dana.
- Completed the email certification course on Hubspot and earned a certificate.
- Made different DIY documents for interns such as how to submit your final project on Riipen and Hubspot course lists.
Training and development
- Author
- Experience
- Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
- Project
- Training Assistant
- Created At
- April 27, 2023
Training and development