CSDA2020-Data Analytics Capstone Project S23

August 29, 2023Experience start
October 17, 2023Experience end
Experience scope
Machine learning Artificial intelligence Data visualization Data modelling Data scienceSkills
data science solution deployment descriptor project proposals data analysis predictive analyticsIn the final course of the Advanced Data Science and Predictive Analytics Certificate, students spend 8 weeks creating an analytics solution/model for your organization.
This capstone project includes analysis of a real-life scenario, including business problem framing, translating to an analytical problem statement, data collection, preparation, integrating, modelling and analyzing and will result in a final report/ presentation that outlines recommendations and a solution deployment plan.
Final deliverables will include:
- Project Proposal
- Sprint 1: Data Exploration, Data Preparation and Modelling
- Final Project Report
- Presentation
Project timeline
August 29, 2023Experience start
October 17, 2023Experience end
Project Examples
Your organization will need to provide relevant datasets, background information, and a high-level business question, opportunity, or challenge. Although it is the responsibility of the students to develop an appropriate analytical solution to the business problem you provide, it would be helpful if you select a business question, opportunity, or challenge is amendable to a data-driven solution (to the best of your knowledge)
Project Examples
Students can create data analytics solutions and models to assist with:
- Forecasting (sales, demand, market conditions)
- Developing a dashboard or reporting solution to provide actionable insights
- Improving customer retention
- Quantifying Customer Lifetime Value
- Predicting various events of interest (fraud, misdiagnosis)
- Getting customers to purchase more premium (up-sell) products
- Getting customers to purchase across multiple categories (cross-sell)
- Finding the best customers for a Direct Marketing initiative
- Customer segmentation (behavioural or transactional)
- Social Network Analysis (understand influencers, customer relations)
- Understanding customer sentiment and what they are talking about (topic modelling)
- Recommender systems for various items (movies, products, etc.)
- Market Basket Analysis to understand which items are often purchased together
- Predicting or forecasting a numeric value of interest (home prices, population)
- Visualize buyers and buyers habits over time
This project can encompass a wide range of topics that require data-driven decision making. If you are interested in determining if your use case would be applicable to this project please submit your project proposal to connect with the instructor.
To ensure students’ learning objectives are achieved, we recommend that the you complete a "client and data assessment" form
August 29, 2023Experience start
October 17, 2023Experience end